Monday, May 4, 2009

Windows XP Registry Repair - How to Repair Windows XP Registry

Doing a Windows XP registry repair can help you to resolve many problems and errors that are caused by corrupted registry or registry with invalid entries. It may be caused by the installation and un-installation of programs and device drivers as well as movement of files in the system. Some errors occur at Windows start up while others pop up when you launch or close programs. This article will touch on how you can do Windows XP registry repair.
If you are unable to even start Windows and you suspect it is due to a corrupted registry and reformatting the system is not really an option, you can try to follow the long and painful instructions given by Microsoft at its knowledge base to do Windows XP registry repair. Just go to google and search for "microsoft knowledge base 307545" and it should bring you to the article. Be warned, the steps are really long and painful.
If you are able to start Windows and the errors occur during Start up when you are login in to Windows, then the problem may lie with the programs that Windows are trying to launch. In this case, Windows XP registry repair can be less painful to do. You see, Windows look to the registry for a list of programs to load at start up and if any of the entries are invalid or worse, are launching malicious codes such as viruses or Trojan horse, your system will be affected and many times this results in either a slowdown of the system during startup or errors. In this case, you can do 3 things:
1. If you are able to make out which program the error is originating from, uninstalling and re-installing the software might help.
2. Alternatively, you can use the tool Msconfig.exe provided by Microsoft which allows you to configure which programs to run during startup and which to ignore. Just go to start >> run and type in Msconfig.exe.
3. Use a registry cleaner to scan the system for invalid and erroneous entries and remove them. Registry cleaners are by far the most effective and easy to use tool for such purpose. No technical knowledge is required to use the software. Some registry cleaner even come with features to help you to boost the performance of your Windows system.

Go to download registry repair

1 comment:

  1. I recommend Digeus Registry Cleaner as it is the best know on the market. It finds and fixes far more errors in the systen than any other. I run it every time when my computer starts crashing or working slow.
